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AA Leaders/ Rookie Leaders

NLBRA members earn points at franchise rodeos. This provides you with UNOFFICIAL POINTS which have been entered by the franchise secretary. If there seems to be a discrepancy with your points, please make sure that there is no rodeos blinking red when you click more info. If there is, these points are UNOFFICIAL.

Upon receiving the results and required paperwork, the NLBRA National Office will change the points to OFFICIAL. Points get updated weekly.

The leader boards at the National Finals Rodeo will show each member where he/she sits in the world based on their five (5) best rodeos coming into the Finals. Those points will be carried forward and be added to points earned at the Finals. The individual with the most points at the end of the Finals is named the World Champion in each event as well as the All Around category in each division.

The current rodeo season points are currently in flux and will continue to change as rodeo information in received and recorded. As the season nears its end, you are encouraged to check the rodeo results and your points. If you feel that there has been an error, please check the rodeo results and if that isn't satisfactory, please send your questions regarding points to: points@nlbra.com. It is our goal to have a response back to you within 48 hours. When submitting information, please include the 1) back number; 2) contestant name; 3) birthdate; 4) rodeo name(s) in question; 5) event(s) in question.
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